gable vent fan

Even if your roof already has ridge vents and plenty of ventilation built in, it’s a good idea to install gable fans or roof fans to help blow hot, humid air out of the attic. Attic ventilation fans also tend to be quite energy-efficient in terms of their own operation.

How do you size a gable vent fan?

It’s also important to have plenty of soffit or gable vents for the fan to draw air into the attic. To find out if you have enough vent space, divide the cubic feet of air per minute that the fan is rated for by 300 to come up with the minimum number of square feet of intake vent space needed for that size fan.

What is better a gable fan or roof fan?

Cooling Capacity: When considering the cubic feet per minute, a gable fan has the advantage due to it being made in a substantially larger size than the roof fan. Installation and Maintenance: The roof fan is easier to install than the gable fan unless you already have a gable vent in place.

Does an attic fan use a lot of electricity?

So just how much electricity does an attic fan use? On average, an attic fan uses less than 300 watts of electricity. If it were to run constantly, it would use up to about 180 kWh per month. Unfortunately, this cost can add up.

Should I run my attic fan in the winter?

It’s true. An attic fan in winter can help prevent ice dams, reduce moisture in your attic during winter months, and prevent mold and mildew buildup due to moisture problems in the attic.

How can I cool down my attic?

Install electric ventilators and attic fans, which remove hot air from an attic. They have thermostats that turn the fan on at a recommended preset temperature of 100-110 degrees. Alternatively, install passive vents such as gable, soffit and ridge vents, which are openings in the roof that allow hot air to escape.

Will attic fan help in the summer?

Typical attics will reach 120-150 degrees during the summer. An attic fan can help lower that temperature by up to 50 degrees, which translates into up to a 5 degree lower temperature inside your home.

Is attic fan better than ridge vent?

Ridge vents are much cheaper and more durable than attic fans. They’re more cost and energy-efficient. But they can’t ensure proper ventilation always. Hence, for larger and congested spaces, an attic fan is the best option.

How many gable attic fans do I need?

Most manufacturers recommend sizing an attic fan at 2 to 3 CFM (cubic feet of air per minute) per square foot of living space.

How much airflow do I need in my attic?

Most codes use the 1/300 rule for minimum residential attic ventilation recommendations. This means that for every 300 square feet of enclosed attic space, 1 square foot of ventilation is required – with half at the upper portion (exhaust vents) and half in the lower portion (intake vents).

What’s the difference between an attic fan and a whole house fan?

In a nutshell, whole house fans are designed to run after sundown, using cool night air to ventilate and cool your entire living space. Attic fans are designed to run on hot sunny days to clear super-heated air from your attic. Both can be worthwhile, but they do different jobs.

Do attic fans work with gable vents?

If you feel your gable vents aren’t getting the attic ventilation job done properly, solar attic fans may provide the needed solution. Solar attic fans can work in conjunction with operational gable vents and provide a number of benefits for your home.

Do whole house fans cool the attic?

The whole house fan pulls air in from open windows and exhausts it through the attic and roof. It provides good attic ventilation in addition to whole house cooling. Whole house fans should provide houses with 3 to 6 air changes per hour (varies with climate, floor plan, etc.

Can I run my attic fan with windows closed?

Can You Run An Attic Fan With Windows Closed? You can run an attic fan with your attic and house windows closed if you so choose. However, if you do, you’ll want to make sure that the soffit vents in your attic and the vents in the rest of your home are open.

What temperature should I set my attic fan on?

When it comes to an attic fan’s temperature setting, it’s best to adjust it to anywhere from 90 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s impossible to state a single number because your attic can effortlessly soar above 95 degrees (on average).

Where should an attic fan be placed?

Rafter vents should be placed in your attic ceiling in between the rafters at the point where your attic ceiling meets your attic floor. Once they are in place, you can then place the batts or blankets, or blow insulation, right out to the very edge of the attic floor.

How hot is too hot for attic?

The ideal attic temperature should be no less than 60 degrees in the winter and no more than 10 to 20 degrees above the outdoor temperature in the summer. If your attic temperature climbs above 130 degrees, you may start running into issues with your energy bill, as well as the integrity of your roof.
