imperative sentence

Don’t ever touch my phone. Give me a pen and a pencil. Play with intensity and courage. Remember me when we are parted.

What are 5 examples of imperative sentences?

Imperative Sentence Examples
Pass the salt.Move out of my way!Shut the front door.Find my leather jacket.Be there at five.Clean your room.Complete these by tomorrow.Consider the red dress.

What is an imperative sentence answer?

An imperative sentence is any sentence that issues a command to do something (or not do to something). It requires an imperative verb, which is always in the infinitive form. Additionally, imperative sentences are always statements that end with a period or an exclamation point.

What is imperative example?

An imperative sentence is a sentence that expresses a direct command, request, invitations, warning, or instruction. Imperative sentences do not have a subject; instead, a directive is given to an implied second person. For example, the sentence “Wash the dinner plates” commands the implied subject to wash the dishes.

What is the example of declarative?

A simple declarative sentence has a simple sentence structure, consisting of a subject and a predicate. Examples of declarative sentences in the simple form include: My dog is sick. It is a nice day.

What are 10 examples of interrogative?

10 Interrogative Sentences;
When will you visit your moms?Where do you live?Why haven’t you started studying?What kind of music do you want to dance to?Which car would make you happier?Which do you prefer, white or red?Who finished your meal today, raise your hands?Whom did you call to the party tomorrow?

Is Thank you an imperative sentence?

Thank you. ‘ is a complete sentence in itself. It is an IMPERATIVE SENTENCE. An imperative sentence is one that issues an order or makes a request.

What is an example of a command sentence?

For example, “Eat your dinner” is a command sentence, and uses the imperative verb eat. When an imperative verb is used in a sentence we refer to that sentence as an imperative.

What punctuation mark is used in imperative sentence?

An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request. It usually ends with a period but can, under certain circumstances, end with an exclamation point. Examples of this sentence type: “Please sit down.”

What is negative imperative?

Negative imperative is a mode that allows you to give a command using the negative. This mode can be used to: Forbid someone to do something. For example: Ne fume pas!

What is imperative in English grammar?

IMPERATIVE. Definition: Imperatives are verbs used to give orders, commands,warning or instructions, and (if you use “please”) to make a request. It is one of the three moods of an English verb (indicative, imperative and subjunctive).

Which is a simple sentence?

What Is a Simple Sentence? A simple sentence contains a subject (a person or thing performing an action) and a predicate (a verb or verbal phrase that describes the action) and expresses a complete thought as an independent clause. Simple sentences do not contain dependent or subordinate clauses.

What is imperative and declarative sentence?

A declarative sentence makes a statement and ends with a period. Examples: I go to Voorhees Middle School. George Washington was the first president. An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request. Most imperative sentences end with a period.

Why are imperative sentences used?

What is the function of an imperative sentence? The usual function (job) of an imperative sentence is to give a command or instruction. It tells us to do something.

What do imperative verbs do?

Imperative verbs are also known as ‘bossy verbs’ because they tell people what to do! e.g. shut the window or turn the kettle on. Remember a verb is a doing word. Imperative verbs give instructions – they tell people what to do.
