rhubarb seed pods

YES, it is totally fine to harvest your rhubarb as you normally would. As soon as you notice a flower /seedpod coming up among the rhubarb plant, you should remove it, as it takes needed energy away from the plant.

Can you grow rhubarb from the seeds?

An essential addition to the perennial vegetable bed, rhubarb will produce year after year, and it’s easy to grow from seed. Just be patient for the first year and a half after sowing, as plants need to become established prior to the first harvest.

Can you use rhubarb after it goes to seed?

While the flower or seed stalks should not be used, the leaf stalks are edible. However, the flower stalks should be promptly pulled and discarded. If allowed to develop, the flower stalks reduce plant vigor and next year’s production.

When should you not pick rhubarb?

A good rule of thumb is to pick your rhubarb no later than July 4. The harvesting period typically lasts about 8 to 10 weeks. Rhubarb plants are dormant during the fall and winter. If you try to harvest your rhubarb too late, the stalks might get frost damage and be inedible.

How do you grow thick rhubarb stalks?

Rhubarb is a heavy feeder and needs to be planted in soil high in organic matter if you want to have large, thick rhubarb stalks. It helps the plant to cultivate around it, and to keep it mulched, weed-free, and well watered. The plant also likes a neutral pH soil.

How long does it take for rhubarb seeds to sprout?

Germination can take anywhere from seven days to two weeks with rhubarb, so don’t fret if yours don’t come up as quickly. By the eighth day, all but two of the seeds had germinated. Some even had two sprouts growing from one seed case!

When should you plant rhubarb seeds?

“To grow rhubarb as an annual in the fall and winter (zones 9 and higher), start the seeds in a cool location (a bright indoor spot or a shady outdoor place) from late August to early October. Transplant into the garden when the seedlings reach about 4 inches tall.

What does it mean when a flower goes to seed?

Also called “running to seed” or “going to seed,” bolting redistributes a plant’s energy away from the leaves and roots to instead produce seeds and a flowering stem. Bolting usually signals the end of new leaf growth. In annual plants, it’s an indication that the plant will soon die.

How do you stop rhubarb from bolting?

Plant maturity is also a factor, with more mature plants being more likely to bolt than youngsters. Dividing the crowns every 4-5 years should help rejuvenate the planting. Applying moderate amounts of fertilizer, such as well-composted manure, each spring should also discourage bolting.

Can you eat rhubarb after it has flowered?

Many people contact me and ask if it is okay to harvest and eat the rhubarb after it has flowered. The answer to this question is YES, simply remove and discard the flower/seed pod stalk, and pick the remaining rhubarb stalks as you normally would.

How do you plant rhubarb seed pods?

pots, place them in a bright indoor spot and fill them with a good quality potting soil. Plant two seeds per pot, about a ¼ inch (slightly less than 1 cm.) deep. Seedlings should sprout within 2-3 weeks.

What should not be planted near rhubarb?

You’ll probably wonder which plants go well with rhubarb and the ones that don’t. Cauliflower, beans, kale, broccoli, and garlic are good companion plants for rhubarb. Meanwhile, melon, black walnut, cucumber, pumpkin, and dock do not go well with rhubarb in a garden or food forest.

Is it better to cut or pull rhubarb?

Harvesting Rhubarb

Harvest rhubarb by cutting or gently pulling the stalk away from the plant. Do not harvest any stalks during the first growing season, so your plants can become established. Begin harvesting your rhubarb the year after planting, when their stalks are 12 to 18 inches long.

How do you winterize rhubarb?

Just keep any mulch away from the crown of the plant, which can encourage rot. To prepare your plant for winter, after the first hard frost, cut back any remaining stalks and dress with a light 2 inch layer of compost, leaves, or hay to protect the roots through the winter.

Should I cut back rhubarb for winter?

Prune back the rhubarb stalks to the ground in late fall or early winter after they begin to die back naturally from frost. Rhubarb may not die back completely if temperatures remain above 40 degrees Fahrenheit, but dead and damaged leaves can still be removed throughout winter, cutting them with shears or a knife.
