Hog, Mcree, Sombra, pharah, orisa, are all super solid picks against doomfist. Hog has the ability to stun him and stop him from killing your team, whilst also being incredibly tanky and successfully resisting doomfists attacks. Mcree’s flashbang is super useful for stopping doomfist.
Does Hanzo counter Doomfist?
Much like Doomfist, every Doomfist player should fear a Hanzo in game as he is the best counter to Doomfist. Along with being easily able to snipe Doomfist from a comfortable distance, Hanzo can also easily deal with Doomfist from up-close.
Does DVA counter Doomfist?
Meanwhile D.Va can chase Doomfist down no matter where he goes and easily melt him with her cannons and missiles. Zarya: Not really a hard counter like D.Va and Hog, but she can stop Doomfist’s combos, completely removing his value since he has to go all in on a single target.
Is Doomfist easy?
Doomfist isn’t easy to play, but until they change the rocket punch ability, he will have a relatively easy ability that can kill almost any hero every 4 seconds.
How do you counter a Junkrat?
Junkrat Counters
Since the general strategy for Junkrat is to hang back and Spray-N-Pray. Characters who have long range damage tend to be Strong Junkrat Counters, Junkrat Hero Counters like Pharah and Widowmaker can easily deal with a junkrat.
How do you counter drow ranger?
The best heroes to counter Drow Ranger include Spectre, Lycan, and Phantom Assassin. The most important part of dealing with Drow Ranger is getting close to her. Her passive ultimate, Marksmanship, deals an incredible amount of damage. It also grants a bonus of 50% of her agility to allies in close range.
Who can counter Reinhardt?
Overwatch > Counters > Reinhardt
Thier are a couple of Heroes in particular that are effective Reinhardt counters. Reaper and McCree at close range can kill Reinhardt fairly easy, While other more long range heroes such as Bastion and Pharah are among the best Reinhardt Counters. Reinhardt works best as a team player.
Does Torbjorn counter Pharah?
Overwatch > Counters > Torbjorn
Thier are a couple of characters in particular that are effective Torbjorn counters. Pharah, Widowmaker and Junkrat are among the best Torbjorn Counters in Overwatch.
Who counters Ashe overwatch?
Heroes that are small, fast, and hard to hit, like Genji, Tracer, and Echo, can more easily flank her and avoid her precision shots. Soldier: 76’s auto-fire can frequently kill Ashe faster than she can kill him. Sombra can hack B.O.B., disabling a powerful asset for Ashe’s team.